Although assisted suicide is illegal in some states, it should be illegal in all states for the simple reason that everyone, even professionals, make mistakes. Just because a doctor tells a patient who is very ill that they only have a few months to live does not mean that the patient cannot live longer. A doctor does not have the ability to see the future; he may be able to make an educated guess on how a patient's condition can progress but he absolutely can not be certain of how long a person has to live. It would be awful if a person was told he/she had only six months to live, went under assisted suicide, but actually could have ended up living another two years. Think about all the things you can do in two whole years and about how many memories you can make in that time with your friends and family that you would not have experienced had you taken the drugs. Also, you have to put yourself in the shoes of a doctor. Doctors themselves know that they can be wrong and I'm sure that at least some of them would feel awful giving someone the means to die knowing that they could in fact live longer. It is also unclear as to whether or not assisted suicide is even allowed by hippocratic oath, under which all doctors swear that they will not intentionally harm a patient. You are harming an individual if you are giving them the means to kill themselves.